These documents are housed throughout the site on the relevant information pages, and they are also captured in this list to make them easy to find and access in a single location:
- Guide to Confidentiality – Access and Connection
- Interim Access and Connection Procedure v2.0
- Interim Budget and Cost Management Procedure v2.0
- Interim Compliance Procedure v2.0
- Interim Cyber Security Procedure v2.0
- Interim Energy Balancing and Settlement Procedure v2.0
- Interim Essential Systems Services Procedure v2.0
- Interim Notices and Communications Procedure v2.0
- Interim Power System Modelling Procedure v2.0
- Interim Protocol Framework Procedure v2.0
- Interim Registration and Standing Data Procedure v2.0
- Interim Visibility List Procedure v2.0
- NWIS Reduced Order Power System Model User Guide v2.1
Previous versions of these documents can be found on this page. Please make sure you are using the current version.