Control Desk

Pilbara ISOCo has appointed Horizon Power as the delegate of the Pilbara ISOCo, to perform Pilbara ISOCo’s control desk function, being the task of maintaining the power system in a secure state. This includes:

  • Actions in normal operating conditions
  • Pre-contingent actions
  • Actions outside normal operating conditions and
  • Incident coordinator once a protocol is activated.

Horizon Power has a dual role as:

  • A registered NSP to operate and maintain its own network and
  • The Pilbara ISOCo’s delegate to monitor the system, undertake the role of incident coordinator and issue certain directions.

See Delegation List for further information.

Unplanned Events

Pilbara ISOCo does not operate or maintain a network. Instead, the Pilbara ISOCo control desk has a system monitoring function with the ability to give system operations directions (as incident coordinator), constraint directions, directions under an ESS contract and emergency directions.

The purpose of the Interim Protocol Framework Procedure is to create a framework to assist the control desk and registered NSPs to manage their collective response to an unplanned event with a view to maintaining or returning the power system to:

  1. inside the technical envelope and
  2. a secure state promptly

Generation Adequacy

The Rules require the ISO to ensure that the power system has enough installed generation capacity to remain secure and reliable at times of peak demand, despite credible contingencies and planned and unplanned outages.

Having regard to the overall balance between generation and load currently in the power system, the ISO has suspended the Generation Adequacy requirements. See Notice – Generation Adequacy for more information.

Planned Outages

Registered NSPs are responsible for notifying Pilbara ISOCo and approving their own planned outages. Where, in the opinion of Pilbara ISOCo there is a conflict of two or more planned outages which poses an unacceptable risk to security and reliability Pilbara ISOCo will resolve it by consensus or, if required, by issuing a direction.

System Coordination Bulletins

Pilbara ISOCo publishes System Coordination Bulletins on a quarterly basis to inform on matters which may impact the decisions of Pilbara electricity system participants.

System Coordination Bulletin Volume 1 – July to September 2023

System Coordination Bulletin Volume 2 – October to December 2023

System Coordination Bulletin Volume 3 – January to March 2024

System Coordination Bulletin Volume 4 – April to June 2024

System Coordination Bulletin Volume 5 – July to September 2024

System Coordination Bulletin Volume 6 – October to December 2024